
Terms and Conditions

The Terms and Conditions displayed below are a very important part of the booking procedure. Here you will find everything you need to know about our tour policies. Please read carefully all of our Terms & Conditions before signing up for any trip.

1. Contract

These conditions include all bookings with Outdoor Xpeditions, a legal company in Bolivia, whose registered office is at 1783 St. Abdon Ondarza, San Pedro, La Paz, Bolivia, acting as your tour operator. All travel arrangements the company makes are either for individual travel, group travel, or as part of a package (a trip organized by the company combining flights and accommodation over one or more days). The organizers act only as agents for the airlines, transportation companies, and hotels. Ticket vouchers and comments issued are subject to the terms and contracts under which these services are provided.

Any booking made or order placed by you, whether through the company’s website or otherwise, shall be considered an offer by you to purchase the travel services offered by various suppliers subject to these booking conditions. Acceptance of the offer is at the company’s discretion and will be confirmed once we confirm the filled booking form. Booking services with the company are currently only available for persons who are at least 18 years old. By submitting a booking, you warrant and confirm to us that you comply with these arrangements.

2. About Payment

To confirm any service from our company, it is necessary to pay a deposit of 25% of the total cost at the time of booking. For tours lasting more than 7 days, full payment is required 60 days before the start of the tour. In the event that the company is unable to obtain confirmation and is unable to offer an alternative, a full refund will be issued.

For all payments, we accept cash, Visa and Master credit cards (except American Express), bank transfers to our bank account, and deposits to Western Union, Money Gram, and Eon.

Taxes fluctuate in line with exchange rates and will be recalculated on the day final balance payments are collected.

3. Trip Cancellations and Refunds

In the event of any cancellation in respect of a confirmed booking or trip, we must receive written cancellation notice. If you have already made an advance payment for any service, there is a penalty according to the cancellation time of the tour, because most of the services we provide must be paid before the departure date. The refund schedule is as follows:

  • 1 – 18 days: No Refund
  • 19 – 30 days: Refund 30%
  • 31 – 60 days: Refund 70%

4. Changes to the Itinerary

Changes in itinerary or cancellation of a tour may occur due to reasons beyond our control, such as adverse climate conditions, roadblocks, or civil unrest. Routes and hotel reservations can sometimes be changed without notice. Therefore, itineraries are only for reference and are not to be taken as exact itineraries of what the tour implies. If changes have to be made, it is not always possible to notify our clients in advance. Situations such as strong overnight rain, snowfall, or roadblocks can cause some parts of a route to become temporarily impassable, obliging us to make changes in the itinerary.

We operate the trips in a flexible way, allowing our guides to change the itinerary whenever this is possible and only after suggestion and/or in common agreement with all the clients. If you decide to change the itinerary, it could increase the cost. In this case, you must pay the difference that may occur.

If changes are made, it is for the client’s own safety. If we must modify the itinerary and the modification implies extra costs, these additional costs will have to be paid by the client.

5. Force Majeure / Bookings Cancellation

Outdoor Xpeditions will cancel the trip in total or partially for any of the following reasons: extremely bad weather conditions, social strikes, or any logistical problem which may prevent the safe and efficient course of the trip. In such cases, the company is not responsible for any expenses that may occur to the client in preparation for trips run by Outdoor Xpeditions. As a tour operator, we will cancel the trip due to the following superior forces: threat of war, industrial dispute, terrorist activity, natural or industrial disaster, fire, adverse weather conditions, high water levels in rivers, technical or maintenance problems with transfer, unforeseen operational decisions of air carriers such as changes of schedule, or any unforeseeable or unavoidable event beyond the company’s control.

We will cancel bookings when the number of persons who have booked a particular arrangement is less than the minimum required to make it financially viable.

6. Pricing and Description Policy

All prices displayed on the company’s website are for information purposes only and are subject to alteration at any time prior to the issuance of a confirmation bill, either due to error on the company’s part or unforeseen price increases caused by the travel service provider(s) in question. While we handle our website and prices with care and diligence, there may be occasions beyond our control where certain facilities or room types are withdrawn by the accommodation providers.

All prices are subject to availability and all booking requests are subject to confirmation.

7. Responsibilities of the Company

Regarding our responsibilities, the company has no liability for any loss, personal injury, damage, delay, death, or mental trauma to any person or property resulting directly or indirectly from natural disasters, annoyance, delays and expenses resulting from quarantine, strikes, detention, thefts, pilferage, superior force, failure of conveyance to arrive and/or depart as scheduled, civil disturbances, government restriction or regulations, acts of God, discrepancies, or change in transit and other circumstances over which our company has no control.

We reserve the right to change itineraries if circumstances beyond our control prevent Outdoor Xpeditions from continuing the trip in a safe and efficient manner. We reserve the right to alter or cancel any trip due to factors that may endanger passengers and/or staff, like sickness, political insecurity, or other unforeseen circumstances beyond our control. Outdoor Xpeditions guarantees to supply the service as detailed in the itinerary unless the facts listed above occur.

The guide or trip leader reserves the right to ask a participant not to continue further on the trip if that person proves to be a risk to themselves or others. Full or partial refunds of any payments received by Outdoor Xpeditions, transfers to another similar trip, or credits towards a future trip will be considered individually depending on the case.

8. Responsibility of Trip Participants

Any person participating in a trip with Outdoor Xpeditions must keep in mind that if you decide to participate in a high-risk tour, you should know that the tour will be carried out under your responsibility, considering that they are high-risk activities where you can even risk your life. Likewise, if you have strict medication, you should take your medications with you. The company is not responsible for illegal uses of products that are consumed during the tour; in those cases, the sanctions will be applied according to the law of the country that you are visiting.

9. Passports, Visas, Health Requirements, and Travel Documents

It is entirely your responsibility to ensure that all your passports, visas, travel, and health documents are valid and that any vaccinations, inoculations, prophylactics (e.g., for malaria) and the like that might be required before departure are performed. You are responsible for checking all travel documentation immediately when it is received. If you consider any document to be incorrect or have a query in relation to its contents, you need to notify the company of your concern.

Please check your visa requirements and note that many countries require that your passport is valid for six months beyond the period of your stay. Transit visas may be required when changing flights by certain passport holders. You should check with the relevant embassy if you are changing flights to/from your destination. If you fail to do so, you will be solely responsible for any cost, loss, or damage which you or the company incurs as a result of your failure.

10. Behavior

Our company may refuse to carry a person whose behavior is harmful to the enjoyment of the group. By traveling with Outdoor Xpeditions, you agree to accept the authority of the guides and accept their decisions. Our staff is entitled to a safe work environment and our passengers to a great holiday. Any threats to safety, whether physical or verbal, or inappropriate behavior may result in removal from the tour. If a guide requires a passenger to leave the vehicle, no refunds will be given, and that passenger will be responsible for their own travel costs and arrangements from that point.

11. Supplier’s Conditions

Please note that, as between you and any of the suppliers whose services form part of your booking, the supplier’s standard terms and conditions will apply. This is particularly important in the case of “travel arrangements excluding packages” where the company acts only as a booking agent between you and the relevant suppliers. The supplier’s standard conditions may limit or exclude liability, often in accordance with international conventions. Copies of these conditions may be requested in writing, but up to 28 days must be allowed for delivery. “Third-party suppliers” means any third parties who supply travel services to the customer. The identity of the relevant third-party supplier for a travel service will be communicated to the customer by Outdoor Xpeditions.

12. Flight Delays & Cancellations

Outdoor Xpeditions cannot be held responsible for any flight delays or cancellations caused by reasons beyond our company’s control, including but not limited to weather, mechanical issues, or employee strikes. In the event of a flight delay, you must contact the airline to be rebooked. Once your new flight is confirmed, you must then notify Outdoor Xpeditions of your new arrival time. If you are arriving later than your original scheduled flight, you may not be met by our company’s representative at the airport. In this case, you will need to arrange your own transportation from the airport to your hotel.

13. Insurance

Clients must have insurance in their home country which at least covers the risk of hospital costs, physician costs, funeral costs, and repatriation costs during the trip. Participation in tours organized by Outdoor Xpeditions takes place on behalf of the clients’ own responsibility and at their own risk.